A little about me: PRJ stands for Papa’s Retirement Job! I retired at 70 and found myself wanting to keep busy so friends and family convinced me to give Harold Smith (of Smiths Dog Agility Equipment) a call. Harold has been looking at moving and hasn’t made jumps in a while so he kindly agreed to show me the ropes. Practice practice practice. The welding takes a lot of practicing. I’m getting better and faster and it’s keeping me busy which was the point of this venture. I have done agility for years with my sweet boy Bristol who passed way too soon last year. Now I am running with my pup Coal. He starts trialing officially in Sept. He is also the star on my Logo! You might know my daughter Sara with Cailey and son in law Peter with Popeye. They got us started in this amazing sport. I know the need for solid well made jumps and I take pride in providing that for the agility community. Please contact me if you have any questions, and I’ll do my best to answer them! This is a new venture so I have lots to learn. Your friend in Agility! Ron Anderson
Contact Ron Anderson for all your Agility jumping needs!!!
Ron Anderson
Address: 19709 41A Avenue
Langley, BC V3A 2Z5
E-mail: prjdogagility@gmail.com
Cell Phone: 604-868-6217 (Ron’s cell) or 604-340-4973 (Sara’s cell)
Facebook Group: PRJ Dog Agility Equipment